Logging into New Website Help
Logging in to your old account,
Please register as a new customer / account via the register option at the top right hand corner of the site, with the email address you used on the old website, this shall then update the system and connect the account to your old account and you will be able to view address details, orders, etc.
Some customers are having issues with all of their orders displaying, for this matter I would kindly ask 24-48 hours is allowed for the system to fully update the account and if after this time all previous orders / pre-orders aren't showing, then please drop me a message via social media or the below email address. Rest assured though, any pre-orders placed on the old website are still logged and secured for you and will still be fulfilled when available.
If a old order / pre-order is showing as void on your account, this is perfectly normal, as the payment was made on the old site, the new system hasn't been able to confirm the source of payment so has marked the order as void. It is nothing to worry about as the order is still secured and paid for.
This isn't the final layout
A few things are still being worked on for the final layout, so please don't be concerned if you log in one day and the layout / theme has changed over the coming weeks, as rest assured it is just us adding the finishing touches.
If you have any issues or find a problems with the website, then please do let us know via Email or via our FaceBook or Instagram pages, thank you!